Achieve Your Goals

You followed my advice and waited a few weeks before setting goals – no rushed New Year’s Resolutions that have already been dropped. It’s late January 2017. You are looking at the year ahead, and wondering what it has in store for you. You have reflected on last year – it wasn’t a great one. You are hoping that this year will be better, but hope isn’t going to improve things for you.

If this sounds like you, then there is one thing that you need to take on board – you are the only person who is responsible for changing your life. If you want things to improve, then no matter how much you wish, pray or simply hope, it is up to you plan and take action.

At this time of year there are many people in the same situation. Don’t get to the same time next year and wonder what happened to the past 12 months, again. Take ownership of your life, plan what you want to realistically achieve, and set goals accordingly.Continue reading

Hi Everyone

Do you ever look at your life and realise that you haven’t achieved much in the past month? If so, did you have goals for that time, or did you just drift along with things to do, but avoiding them? You can achieve a whole lot more with your time when you set goals.

There is a lot more to achieving any goal than just having the goal. But it is a first step. You may wonder how some people seem so great at achieving their goals while other people aren’t so good at it. Part of the reason why some people fail is that they do not have a specific goal, one that is clear and focused. In addition, they do not have a schedule of action to actually work toward achieving the goal. In order to meet any goal, start doing these five things today.

1. Craft Clear, Specific and Doable Goals

For any goal to be achievable it must first be clear and very specific. But, it also must be possible. You do want to challenge yourself a bit, and set the goal high, but you want to ensure that any goal you set is possible. Therefore, you will need to do a little research in order to set a goal. For instance, let’s say your ultimate goal is to lose 50 pounds.Continue reading

If you are a person who wants to achieve, you will be someone who sets goals. Within the self help arena people always talk about setting SMART goals, but if you haven’t come across this term before then you may not realise that it is an acronym.

When making goals, it’s important to learn about the acronym S.M.A.R.T. It can help you make better goals. Each letter stands for a different area of the goal. If you create a smart goal, you have created a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Reasonable, and Timely. Using SMART goals can set you up for success in your goal setting.Continue reading

Goal setting is the base of any true success. You may have overcome procrastination, attack every day with the right attitude, be full of action, but if you have no goals you will just be busy doing lots of unconnected things with no real outcome at the end of the day.

Setting goals therefore is the key. But what is a goal? A goal is something you desire, that is attainable, and fits in with your lifestyle. It’s no good setting a goal of running a marathon in under 3 hours if you have done no exercise in the past 5 years – it simply won’t happen.Continue reading