As we have seen already, change is inevitable. It comes along in many guises, and can cause stress and anxiety. So as well as accepting that it is a part of life, you need to establish ways to cope with change and the effects it has on you. One way of doing this is through regular exercise.

Most people are aware of the many physical benefits of exercise, but don’t realise that it is great at helping with mental health. Exercise is an effective stress reliever that can help you deal with changes that are affecting your life. Cast your mind back to when you last did some regular exercise – do you remember that good feeling you had?Continue reading

boost your self image

I think most of us have a poor self image at times. I know I have in the past, but as time has gone on, I have come to accept myself. But some people never seem to stop beating themselves up and putting themselves down. They cannot see what others can see;  they think they are not good, whereas other people see them as great! 

Of course, the world also has people that think they are better than they are, and have massive egos. But generally speaking, I believe that there are more people who do not give themselves the credit they should.

There’s a lot you can accomplish by having a positive self-image. Your confidence will increase which means that you can deal with more situations, and not run away from difficult ones. People will respond to your increased self-image in a positive way – you will give off certain vibes that will attract other people.Continue reading

permission to sabotage

Thank you for being here. If you are reading this article, then you are almost certainly interested in improving yourself, of having a better life. It is great to want to improve yourself in order to improve your relationships, but you might discover that you meet with resistance at every turn from certain people in your life. What should you do if you discover someone you care about is sabotaging you, and putting obstacles in the way of you working towards a better self?

Firstly, you need to determine if the sabotage is deliberate or unconscious on their part. They might just be a control freak, but also they might not even realise what they are doing. For example, women often think that their other halves would love it if they slimmed down, or that their mother would be proud that they were getting healthier.

Instead, they are told, “You look fine just the way you are,” or “Go on, have a little. It’s your favourite.” This can be through habit, or it could be because the person sabotaging you is afraid of change. If you change for the better, what will happen to the relationship? They may feel insecure, for no valid reason.Continue reading