Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. I took a weekend off work to recuperate and socialise with some good friends. I say that, I did spend most of Sunday helping my other half on her business, but to me that’s just fun! I love to help her.
Quite often you will come across new terms that you may not have heard before, but once explained they make perfect sense. Reflective practice is a perfect example of this. So just what is reflective practice?
Reflective practice is a modern term for the age-old practice of learning from experience. As the philosopher Plato encouraged centuries ago, “Know thyself.” The knowledge gained can be a series of stepping stones to success in all areas of your life.
In its most basic form, reflective practice is about thinking about what you do after you have done it. As part of the reflecting process, you note:
* What you did
* What happened as a result
* What the outcome was
* Whether you could do things better/differently next timeContinue reading