reflective practice

Hello everyone, I hope you had a good weekend. I took a weekend off work to recuperate and socialise with some good friends. I say that, I did spend most of Sunday helping my other half on her business, but to me that’s just fun! I love to help her.

Quite often you will come across new terms that you may not have heard before, but once explained they make perfect sense. Reflective practice is a perfect example of this. So just what is reflective practice?

Reflective practice is a modern term for the age-old practice of learning from experience. As the philosopher Plato encouraged centuries ago, “Know thyself.” The knowledge gained can be a series of stepping stones to success in all areas of your life.

In its most basic form, reflective practice is about thinking about what you do after you have done it. As part of the reflecting process, you note:

* What you did
* What happened as a result
* What the outcome was
* Whether you could do things better/differently next timeContinue reading

Are You Living A Lie?

Here’s a quick quiz for you. Answer honestly. Do you feel:

* Like you are constantly hiding behind a mask?
* Worried that others will not like you?
* That if you say no, you are a bad person and will be letting everyone down?
* Trapped in a life that does not seem to be your own?
* Like you are always comparing yourself to others, with them on top and you on the bottom?
* As if you’re finding yourself not good enough, no matter how hard you try?
* Afraid that if your boss, colleagues, spouse or children found out X about you, they would never look at you in the same way again?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then the likely truth is that you are living a lie. But don’t panic, you are not the only one. It is an easy trap to fall into and can be a deep and difficult one to climb out of. But the effort can be well worth it if the result is a happier, healthier you.Continue reading

Hi everyone, and welcome to Everyday Success Tips. And my first post! I hope you enjoy and bookmark this site.

Many people in the West struggle with the idea of self-worth. They envy others, think that other people are far better, and see little worth in themselves. They look in the mirror and see someone full of flaws – a “failure” or “loser.” I know I have had times like this, and I am sure most of you have too.

They are also terrified that if anyone REALLY got to know them, they would run the other way. Shame, negativity and even anger drive their sense of self-worth as they beat themselves up for the least little mistake. And they think that everything that goes wrong is their fault, whether it is down to them or not.

Reasons for Negative Self-Worth

There are many reasons for this, but most start at a young age because we are expected to behave in a certain manner and will usually be punished in some way if we fail to meet the expectations of others. This can be as simple as being put in the naughty corner because you have done something “bad,” sent to bed without supper, of deprived of something you were really looking forward to, to constant criticism and being made to feel like nothing you do is ever good enough and you will never amount to anything.Continue reading