boost your self image

I think most of us have a poor self image at times. I know I have in the past, but as time has gone on, I have come to accept myself. But some people never seem to stop beating themselves up and putting themselves down. They cannot see what others can see;  they think they are not good, whereas other people see them as great! 

Of course, the world also has people that think they are better than they are, and have massive egos. But generally speaking, I believe that there are more people who do not give themselves the credit they should.

There’s a lot you can accomplish by having a positive self-image. Your confidence will increase which means that you can deal with more situations, and not run away from difficult ones. People will respond to your increased self-image in a positive way – you will give off certain vibes that will attract other people.Continue reading

So you are interested in reflective practice, and want to learn more about how it can improve your life. But just what are the benefits of reflective practice?

There are many benefits to starting a reflective practice. It can help you transform your life in a range of ways – personally, professionally and emotionally. Here are seven ways that it will change your life.

1. Deepens your understanding of yourself

We are all so busy satisfying all of the demands placed upon us at work and at home that we don’t get enough time to work on ourselves. The kids and your partner are always in need of something, of your time. You will often find that the one thing that gets pushed to the back of the queue is your own needs and interests. Reflective practice is one easy way to improve our lives in only a few minutes a day once we get into the habit.Continue reading

Have you ever found yourself invited to an event, maybe a party or business workshop, and have dreaded it ever since receiving the invitation. Maybe you have even avoided going completely, even though the subject is of interest or you know it would be beneficial for you to attend. Well it’s time to face up to your social fears.

Did you know that most people say that they have social anxieties? I know that I often am wary of certain social situations, and I am a LOT better than I used to be. It’s right up there with public speaking as one of the biggest fears. Social fears are one of the most common issues that a lot of people face or claim to face. It may be worse for some than for others, but social fear is a pretty universal issue. For most of us it started in our teenage years. We either learned to cope with it, or it grew into something worse.Continue reading

If you have read my previous post which introduced reflective practice you may be eager to get started. If you haven’t yet read it, then a brief description is that reflective practice is another way of saying that you are able to learn from your experience in a structured way.

Here are some ways to help you get started with reflective practice  and make it a big part of your life and self improvement.

Start a Journal or Personal Blog

Your first step will be to create a place where you can keep your reflective practice work, so you can look back at it at the end of each week or month. A small notebook you can carry anywhere is a good start. You can also create a folder on your computer and create documents or a private blog for your reflective practice.Continue reading

Be Happy

When you look at your life, are you happy that you are making the right choices, for yourself, on how to live. Or do you think that you are missing opportunities to be happy, because you continue to seek approval from others before taking action on anything?

One of the things that holds many people back from the kind of success and happiness they deserve is worrying about what others will think and say. On the one hand, it is important to get support from friends and family, that you are doing something worthwhile.

However, if you find yourself holding back from things you would really like to do because of “What will people think?” it might be time to put your own beliefs first rather than what other people think. You owe it to yourself to be happy, you don’t owe anyone else anything.

In the 1949 Hollywood film “The Fountainhead,” egotistical architect Howard Roark is asked by his competitor, Ellsworth Toohey, “Mr. Roark, we’re alone here. Why don’t you tell me what you think of me in any words you wish?” Howard Roark’s reply is: “But I don’t think of you!” This is a great example of looking after yourself. Why bother to try to keep up with the Joneses when they probably don’t even know you exist?Continue reading