Boost your motivational energy

Maybe it’s just me, but the older I get the less energy I seem to have to do the simplest of tasks. I can still remember easily days gone by when I could do anything I wanted – having 4 jobs, out on the nights not working, whilst still fitting in training for half marathons. Admittedly when I slept, I slept as long as possible. But that was a long time ago, and now I need to plan my energy carefully.

Not only do I feel more tired physically, but mentally I can feel it too. I know it’s part of growing older, but when a day in the office becomes harder mentally, I know that I need to be sensible. Most evenings I try and catch a 10 minute nap on my short train journey, and I find this helps boost me for the evening.

Increasing your mental energy to motivate you to get things done – whether that’s around the house, at work, or when you’re out and about – can seem like a hefty task. But, the truth is a lot of people overlook their current ‘habits’ and behaviours that can actually negatively impact their mental energy on a daily basis.

Read on to see what works for people from all walks of life who are struggling to get the necessary mental will-power to be successful!Continue reading

Cast your mind back to your schooldays, and those hours after school. If you were anything like me, homework was the last thing that you wanted. I remember putting it off every night until after I had played with a friend, then having dinner, watching a bit of TV… and then eventually setting to the task.

If only I could have had the benefit of hindsight, I would do it all differently now. Thank goodness my girls don’t take after me.

But this is just one example of how we put off tackling tasks that we should be doing – and I am sure you can think of lots of ways it creeps in to everyday life still. I know I can – and some I am too ashamed to admit on here!

We can come up with all sorts of excuses too. I mean, aren’t we all tired from doing our job – we don’t seem to have the energy to tackle other stuff on top too.

Feeling “sluggish,” burned out from work, or from everyday life is a common experience for most people. But, the good news is there are also plenty of solutions to get you out of that ‘rut’ – and back on your feet in no time!

Depending on the circumstances, feeling a lack of motivation, or just simply not wanting to do something may very well be related to your overall physical or mental health. In other instances, it may just simply involve doing something that perhaps your mind and body are just not ready to do.

Follow any of these 5 simple steps for motivating yourself the next time you are having struggles.

1. For many people, trying something new can make all the difference in how you feel, or how motivated you are later on in the day. Just remember, don’t quit after only trying one thing if it doesn’t work out – keep pushing yourself to learn more about what makes you happy and go with it!

So if there’s something you have always wanted to do, whether it be studying, learning a new language, a new fitness routine, or anything that has been a desire of yours for far too long, bring that to fruition. And the best time to do it is early in the morning, when you have peace and can actually spend time doing something for yourself before the everyday issues rear their heads.

Try this for 30 days and see how much you have managed to learn, master or just enjoy, and how it makes you feel to finally do something for yourself.

2. Going outside to take a walk in the morning, even if only for a few minutes, thanks to fresh air, being able to see or interact with others, and simply take in the scenery can help motivate you to do other tasks you just simply don’t feel like doing.

Now that spring is just around the corner the sights and smells of an early morning walk are amazing. But even if you can’t incorporate an early morning walk, can you somehow work one into your morning routine? Perhaps getting off the bus to work a couple of stops earlier? Maybe parking a bit further away from the office?

I love that I have a walk in the mornings. I get to see other people regularly, on nodding terms, although I do like to vary my route now and then. If you add a few extra minutes into your routine a walk in the morning can do wonders for your spirit. And you will be ready to tackle all those annoying tasks that you couldn’t face before.

3. Try making a “to-do list” of your daily goals or obligations. Even better, consider investing in a budget-friendly white-board to pin up on your home office or bedroom that you can use to precisely map out what it is you’re looking to accomplish, and how!

Listing out these items makes them seem not so hard to tackle. You will get a great feeling crossing them off too – that sense of achievement will spur you on to tackle more and before you know it those tasks will be a distant memory. Compare that feeling to sitting on the sofa beating yourself up mentally because you know you should be doing something but can’t be bothered.

Release yourself from that mental anguish!

4. Get more sleep – and I can’t emphasize this enough! Getting the proper, scientifically proven and recommended 7-10 hours of sleep each night can make a dramatic difference in how motivated you feel the next day – or how much energy you have. I have started to get to bed earlier, because I know I achieve so much more in the mornings, yet I still need to get my restorative sleep.

Also, how comfortable is your mattress? Is it time to possibly invest in a new one? I do find those adverts suggesting you need to replace your mattress every 8 years annoying, but they do have a point. Are you waking often in the night? Maybe your mattress is uncomfortable and actually causing you a bit of sleep deprivation?

As an extra tip, consider shutting off all electronic devices and lights at least 45 minutes before you intend to fall asleep. Make sure you don’t even bring your phone into the bedroom – those annoying notifications will just be an annoyance and distraction.

If you have children that are out or elderly parents then you will probably want the security of them being able to call you in case of an emergency. But you must train them that they can call you in the night, but only in an emergency. That way you won’t be distracted by that annoying blue light all night, and the buzzing as someone tags you in on a Facebook post or the latest email coming in.

5. Playing energizing music, listening to motivational videos, or even tips by personal trainers and life experts can also be very useful in gathering the necessary energy and motivation to be successful with today’s, and tomorrow’s tasks.

I am quite new to this one, but it has made a great difference to my motivation. I tend to spend 10-15 minutes in the bath each morning listening to a motivational talk to set me up for the day. That time, just me on my own, and putting messages positivity into my brain, sets me up to tackle lots of things throughout the day.

I recommend daily MOTIVATION on Youtube but you just have to type motivation into the search bar to come up with a whole host of possibilities. Maybe you will find that a podcast works better for you.

Most importantly, try to focus on what you do have in life, or even write them down if you want! This should help motivate you, and remind you of the good things you have– as well as what it took to get there. Being grateful for what you have will remind you that in the past you have achieved things, and this will help spur you on to tackle other things when you really don’t feel like it.

Let me know how you get on in the comments as I love to hear about your successes.

taking massive action towards goal achievementHappy New Year to you all.

Thank you for sticking by me, and reading this post today. I drifted off towards the end of last year, found myself spread too thinly, and achieving very little. So this year I need to be better – I owe it to you. And I want you to hold me accountable if you see me not giving you what you deserve – if you come here to read my posts, they should be more regular, right? So feel free to give me a kick up the backside!

Of course, that means setting goals. But as I stated last year, I’m not a big fan of setting New Year’s Resolutions – we should not expect that just because the bell chimes midnight and the year ticks over, we can suddenly put to right all the things that we don’t like in our lives. That is just a ludicrous way of thinking.Continue reading

Idea Creation | Everyday Success Tips


We all have ideas every single day. Some are bad, some are good, and some are mind blowingly awesome. Whether you own your own business or employed, or not, you will probably think about ways of doing things better, of coming up with solutions to everyday issues.

Whether or not you do anything with those ideas, recognising them and noting them down could help you solve problems, if you choose to. But even if you don’t, having those ideas shows that you are a creative person and you should be proud of that fact.Continue reading

I’m sure you’ve often been asked, or asked yourself, what is your motivation, when tackling a job or task. But what does that mean?


When you ask the question what motivation means to you, it also begs the questions, “Do I believe in motivation” and, “Do I really need motivation?”  In other words, do you believe you need motivation to succeed in your career and personal goals?


The dictionary defines motivation as something that causes a person to act or a method to provide a motive. Motivation comes with many different faces.  Some you may recognize and some you may not.Continue reading