stretching before and after a run

I have to say, I think running is one of my favourite ways to keep healthy. Unfortunately, for me anyway, it is also one of those things I struggle to do. The older I get, the more I find excuses to not get out. But I will state it here – this is one of the things that I am going to work on this year – I am going to start to run, again.

You’ll see I said again. It’s not always been such an issue for me. When I was in my late teens I was a runner. Well, more of a jogger really. I wasn’t fast enough to classify myself as a runner, ha ha!

Looking back, I remember the races I did with my friend Steve. We would jump in the work’s van on a Sunday and shoot off early in the morning to various races across the South East of England. 5k, 10k, 10 miles, half marathons. We loved them all. But Steve was almost always quicker than me!Continue reading

The benefits of drinking more water

It’s time to hold up my hands and admit something… I do not drink enough water! I know I should drink more, I’ve never been a big fan, but it is something I am really trying to tackle right now. I know it’s good for me though, and a quick film I recently saw on Facebook has really hit home that NOW is the time for me to take action.

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and as we all know, we cannot live without water. The fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days without water. Water has, however, been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments – although I’m not a big fan of these either. Keep in mind that water is a healthier and necessary for leading yourself towards a better health and longevity.Continue reading

Hello everyone, how are you today? Happy I hope.

I always try and stay positive and happy, but like everyone else, it is not possible 100% of the time. But I do try and keep my happiness levels as close to that level as possible. Of course, life throws things at you that affect your mood – the secret is to accept that it will happen and keep things in perspective. But what happens if you are not like this, that you are naturally low, but would like to become a happier person?

Many people suffer from depression and low moods. It’s often hard to overcome, but remember that change takes time. When trying to take control of your feelings, remember to be patient. Listed below are some tips for dealing with a low mood.Continue reading

reduce stress

Do you find yourself worrying over far too many things? Some people are naturally like this – I am sure you can think of some in your social circle. But it needn’t always be like this. It just takes a bit of training to amend those thought processes.

Many people today are crippled with anxiety. They worry about everything and anything. The high tech, fast-paced society that we live in today is literally toxic to many people and they don’t really realise what is wrong with them. The truth is, it’s a mystery as to why more people aren’t plagued with anxiety – inducing stress. Perhaps some people have developed coping skills to reduce stress that help them get through the day without worrying.

Plan Ahead to Avoid Additional Stress

A lot of worrying is caused by not being prepared. If you often find yourself being worried in the morning about being late, or forgetting something at home, be sure to get prepared as much as possible the night before.Continue reading

As a follow up to my previous post, it was Ray’s funeral yesterday.

I knew Ray through bowls, a sport we played together. Of course, with the age of most people that play bowls, funerals come around far more than you would want. Whilst it is a game that is played by all ages, the majority of players are over 50. However if you look closer you will see players as young as 6, and all ages in between. The majority of top players are in their twenties and thirties. I took it up when I was 19, and have been playing almost 30 years.

The bowl community is a friendly one, and so it was no surprise to see the room packed. There was a smaller side room that was also full, where they showed the service on a big screen. It was good to see the support shown for Ray, and I had the chance to meet up with my old mixed pairs partner who has moved, part-time, to Florida. Her husband grew up with Ray, and throughout their lives they played sport together – football, squash, darts, ten-pin bowling and bowls.Continue reading