Category: Personal Growth

  • Boosting Your Self Image

    I think most of us have a poor self image at times. I know I have in the past, but as time has gone on, I have come to accept myself. But some people never seem to stop beating themselves up and putting themselves down. They cannot see what others can see;  they think they…

  • What Are the Benefits of Reflective Practice?

    So you are interested in reflective practice, and want to learn more about how it can improve your life. But just what are the benefits of reflective practice? There are many benefits to starting a reflective practice. It can help you transform your life in a range of ways – personally, professionally and emotionally. Here…

  • Face Up To Your Social Fears

    Have you ever found yourself invited to an event, maybe a party or business workshop, and have dreaded it ever since receiving the invitation. Maybe you have even avoided going completely, even though the subject is of interest or you know it would be beneficial for you to attend. Well it’s time to face up…

  • How To Get Started with Reflective Practice

    If you have read my previous post which introduced reflective practice you may be eager to get started. If you haven’t yet read it, then a brief description is that reflective practice is another way of saying that you are able to learn from your experience in a structured way. Here are some ways to…

  • Seek Approval From Others? You Don’t Need To!

    Seek Approval From Others? You Don’t Need To!

    When you look at your life, are you happy that you are making the right choices, for yourself, on how to live. Or do you think that you are missing opportunities to be happy, because you continue to seek approval from others before taking action on anything? One of the things that holds many people…