Category: Personal Growth

  • 4 Steps To Not Becoming A Narcissist

    4 Steps To Not Becoming A Narcissist

    We all know people who have an inflated ego, people who are so self confident that they dominate rooms the moment they walk in. Is this you? Are you a narcissist? A narcissist has an inflated image of his or her own importance. This person’s ego is sky-high. This creates a constant need for admiration,…

  • 5 Ways To Lead In An Era Of Constant Change

    Continuing our journey into coping with change, here’s a great video from Jim Hemerling, Managing Director of the San Francisco office of The Boston Consulting Group. He explains how self transformation is positive, energising, and exciting. However, when organisational transformation is mentioned, you immediately think of redundancies. As we have seen change is hard, especially…

  • Exercise – a coping mechanism for change

    As we have seen already, change is inevitable. It comes along in many guises, and can cause stress and anxiety. So as well as accepting that it is a part of life, you need to establish ways to cope with change and the effects it has on you. One way of doing this is through regular…

  • Are You Afraid Of Change?

    When nothing in life is certain, other than death, and change is thrown upon us at times from all angles, why is it that we are so afraid of change? I know that in some parts of my life I have had many massive changes, some of my own making and some thrown at me by others.…

  • 6 Different Ways To Build Patience

    You may have noticed it’s been a little while since I last posted. I’ve been looking at how I provide information, and how I can improve it, be of better service to you. So I have been spending some time planning, and of course this has taken up my time.   In the near future,…