Category: Personal Growth

  • Shyness and Social Anxiety

    Shyness and Social Anxiety

    I have always been quite shy, and I guess I suffer a little from social anxiety too. It is not extreme, I don’t hide away completely, but there are times when I do turn down invitations that if I put myself out of my comfort zone I would actually enjoy. I am never the loud,…

  • How Kenny Tutt Won Masterchef 2018

    How Kenny Tutt Won Masterchef 2018

    Now I will be the first to admit that my cooking skills are almost non-existent. Despite my advancing years, cooking has never been high up on my priorities – eating, yes, but cooking not so much. Which is why it amazes me sometimes that I love watching shows like Masterchef. This latest series that culminated…

  • Learn The Secret Of Manifestation

    Have you been struggling for years to achieve your dreams of success? You have life goals, things you have dreamed of doing for so many years. Yet you have managed to not get anywhere near those goals, and it has left you feeling frustrated. Does that sound like you? It may be that you’re not…

  • Untitled post 415

      Tim Ferris, author of The Four Hour Work Week, stated that “People will choose unhappiness over uncertainty”. That’s right – people would rather stay as they are, even if they are unhappy, than put themselves to the effort of improving their lives. Maybe it is the fear of the unknown, maybe they worry that…

  • Don’t Be A Moaner

    Remember the saying from the poem Solitude, by Ella Wheeler Wilcox. The lines are, “Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep and you weep alone”. The same can be said for complaining. If you are a chronic complainer, you may want to rethink that attribute. The problem with complaining too much of it becomes…